Thursday, March 1, 2007

In Her Own Words ...

Note to Readers: Debra has asked specifically that I post her recent unedited comments below:

Kitty - thanks SO much for posting

I've gotten dozens of cards from folks telling me they are checking it daily, and while I'm stronger every day, I don't have NEARLY enough energy to talk with more than a few each day, - and keeping so many well-wishers informed would be exhausting.

The flowers and jokes have truly lightened my spirits. My favorite joke so far shows a bunch of goofy looking (traditional all-white-male) surgeons surrounding a patient undergoing surgery, and one says. "maybe we should try jiggling the liver".

Laughed so hard, I hurt!

I'm PARTICULARLY appreciative of the beautiful blooming plants I've received - bromeliads, azaleas, and from Marty and Jennifer, one of the most gorgeous (and biggest) orchid imaginable!

May sound like a bit much now, but I hope to have the energy to volunteer our home for the "Back Yard Tour" benefiting "Clean Galveston", and these beautiful blooming tropicals surely will make up for some of my usual Spring planting that will be beyond my abilities this year.

Next hurdles - radiation and chemo - but I'm told that the protocol for this type of cancer is much less debilitating than for others. No hair loss / little or no weight loss - just some fatigue. And one of the CT scans showed an enlarged cervix, so I'll be checking that out in a couple of weeks.

Please convey my appreciation to your readers, and please keep up the support and prayers. Thanks again!

Love you, D2


Anonymous said...

So great to hear from you, and I'm sure everyone feels the same! Keep up the good work.


Jaye Ramsey Sutter said...

Ms. Danburg:

My support follows you from the statehouse to the hospital and to your health.

You are a warrior. May good humor and good friends continue to strengthen your resolve and recovery.

Immy said...

You are amazing!!! It was exciting and reassuring reading "your" words. I look forward to reading more.

Anonymous said...

I know you have tons of people helping you- if you'd only let them.
Remember, Tim and I are at your call- even if we've crossed Broadway, we're still here.
We're so happy to hear you're doing so well.
Robert Zahn/Tim Dudley

Anonymous said...

Debra -
I'm so glad to hear you're doing better. You've been in all of our thoughts and prayers. David and Karen are on Easter Island right now, but they wanted to let you know that they're thinking of you and are happy to come help with gardening or any other task as soon as they return. We love you.

Jennifer Danburg-Nawotka

Anonymous said...

Debra, I'm so glad Kitty has kept us posted. While I haven't written, I have been sending you the most powerful healthy vibes. Someone on this page said that you are a warrior. Well, I can certainly confirm that. I realize fights for your health take a different kind of strength than debating Warren Chisum on the house floor. Fortunately, you are blessed with that sort of fortitude. Laura Pickett Calfee

Anonymous said...

Hi Debra,

"Keep on Trucking," from your old (and getting older) former trucking lobbyist friend, Robert Floyd. I am praying for you and will look forward to seeing you very soon.


Anonymous said...

Yeah Deb. But I was a little worried about DEBRA UNEDITED. Too bad about the no weight loss (although you didn't need it - no fun to buy yet another wardrobe). And no hair would have been so Brittany of you.

Looking forward to seeing your garden, Sherwin & Carlene

Anonymous said...

Deb, you amaze me; as always!
You were cooler than any of us-beating me, Mom and Caro at cards the night before surgery, telling the doctor how to perform the operation (!) then coming through this So well!!!
Thank goodness Bob noticed your jaundice; being the least vain person ever...who knows when you would look in a mirror. What a great brother in law he was all week also...kept us all together.
SO relieved you are doing so well-
Love ya Sis,

Anonymous said...


Hi from the old neighborhood. Ann M has been keeping me posted on your progress. Best wishes to you as you recover.

Kathy Kohlmeyer